Feel Good Friday – FGF007

Ein Feel Good Friday in interessanten Zeiten:

Kenya to use solar panels to boost crops by ‘harvesting the sun twice’

Successful trials found growing crops beneath panels – known as agrivoltaics – reduced water loss and resulted in larger plants

These Solar Panels Create Clean Water in the Desert

An NPR journalist reporting from the event called the university the king’s “pet project” and described it as “a graduate-level institution that will research how to harness solar power, desalinate water, and genetically alter plants to survive in the harsh desert.”

China aims to build 450 GW of solar, wind power on Gobi desert 

President Xi Jinping has pledged to bring China’s total wind and solar capacity to at least 1,200 GW and to cap its carbon emission to a peak by 2030.

Massive green hydrogen plant planned to open in South Texas by 2026

US developer Green Hydrogen International (GHI) plans to create a green hydrogen hub in Texas that will be powered by 60GW of solar and wind energy and produce over 2.5 billion kilograms of green hydrogen per year.

193 Staaten einigen sich: 2024 tritt globales Anti-Plastik-Abkommen in Kraft

Die Verhandler von insgesamt 193 Staaten haben sich auf der 5. UNO-Umweltversammlung (UNEA 5.2) darauf geeinigt, ein verbindliches Plastik-Abkommen ins Leben zu rufen.